Who you are, what you do, why you do it

Get YoUR Report

Hello, I’m Joy! I use the Hartman Value Profile as a tool to help you step into integrity, take ownership and create wellbeing so you can focus on the work you most enjoy doing.

About the Profile

The Hartman Value Profile with Joy Lavallee

Judgment, similar to discernment, refers to a person's ability to first observe and take in information, to problem solve and innovate with that information and then to choose the best solutions and ideas to execute and implement. Your strength of value judgments are the drivers of your choices and results.

Clarifying your priorities and values naturally changes your actions. When you have clarity around the values that drive most of your actions, you can make intentional choices around what is and isn’t working for you. This makes the Profile an effective tool for self-reflection, change and growth. 

The Profile includes 46 indicators measuring different aspects that make up your sense of judgment.

The Hartman Value Profile is a tool for looking at how you think and make decisions. Not a personality test. The Profile measures your ability to notice nuance, problem solve, innovate, strategize and implement new ideas and big picture visions.

The HVP measures your strength of Thinking and Decision-making IN 3 key areas: people, work & strategy


Who You Are

Knowing who you are and remaining true to what is most important to you.

Use the profile to identify where you are making choices that are not congruent with who you are or who you want to become.


What You Do

Clarify how you use your resources and opportunities for everything you’re creating in your life, work and relationships.

Use the profile to clarify your strengths, limitations and blindspots. Take simple action steps to get the results you want.


Why You do It

Living within your design, gifts and natural limits so your life works in a regenerative way.

Use the profile to see the real-time, big picture impact that each of your decisions and choices currently make on your mental and emotional health, your family, your community and your work.

Anything and everything you build starts with being clear about who you are, what you do and why you do it.

The foundation

In your session, we dive into the parts of your HVP you want to explore, based on the insight notes you got with your report. After the session, you will receive personalized notes—the gold nuggests of the conversation—within 7 business days.

review Your report

You will receive your HVP report with video notes and the link to book your HVP session within 4 business days of taking the assessment. This allows you time to decide what you want to focus on in when we dive into your HVP report.

Get Your Report

Your link to the Hartman Value Profile assessment is included in your payment confirmation email. You can take the HVP at your leisure. It typically takes 10-20 minutes, but there is no time limit.


Get Your Report

Your HVP report is information about the beliefs and values that currently direct your actions and shape your life. 

Based on the results provided in your report, you can choose your goal for your HVP session. This may be uncovering blindspots and limitations, clarifying your strengths and gifts or identifying a place where you are stuck.

Your Report in 3 Steps


“I am so grateful for the clarity HVP brought to the way I see myself. It helped me stand on my strengths while addressing my weaknesses.”
– Lizette

“She was exceptionally professional and allowed plenty of time for me to process and ask questions. If you're someone who is interested in becoming a better version of yourself, the HVP is a must.”

“Working on my HVP with Joy was invaluable because it allowed me to better understand some of the nuances of how I’m experiencing life in this season, both personally and professionally.”

“The Hartman Value Profile really helped me to make connections in my life that I couldn’t see on my own. Joy helped me to create solid and practical next steps that helped me achieve my goals based around those connections we saw. I had such a fun and helpful experience.”

“The first word that comes to mind when I think about the HVP is 'illuminating.’ The HVP gave me clarity and understanding so I can be more  confident, and a more fun person to be around!”

“I felt encouraged and enlightened to look at some weak spots and make changes in my life to grow in areas I have just been avoiding for years.”
– Elizabeth

"I feel so much more capable of living my life well after diving deep into my results of the HVP. Joy seriously went above and beyond with guiding me towards some self-revelations, and I am so stoked to put them into action!"
– Cheney